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Quote of the Day

Word of the Day

Click here for the Word of the Day

From Dictionary.com

English Department

All English classes on all grade levels will focus on the achievement of the Common Core Learning Standards for English Language Arts that have been established by the New York State Department of Education.  Mastery of these standards will be assessed both in the classroom and by the English Regents Examination administered to all juniors.

Grade Level Expectations

The NRHS English Department has identified a list of focus skills for each grade level. The skills are organized by the areas of reading, writing and speaking, and listening and are aligned to the Next Generation ELA standards.  All students are expected to demonstrate proficiency in the identified skills by the end of the school year.

Click here for Grade Level Expectations.

Course Listing

For Course Listing, click here.

For more detail about each course please click here to view Meet The Teacher Night Presentations.

Dual Enrollment Opportunities

Upcoming Events

Past Events

English Department Contact Information

English National Honor Society

Co-Advisors: Mr. Hedman and Ms. Vicinelli

Click here for more information.

Extra Help Schedule

Need ELA Regents Prep? Click here for information.

In need of extra help? Please click here to find your teacher's scheduled Extra Help day and time.

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English Department